## version amftp.catalog 2.61 (10.9.96) ## codeset 0 ## language x ; $VER: AmFTP.cd 1.61 (30.8.96) ; Usefull strings MSG_OK ;*_OK MSG_CANCEL ;_Cancel MSG_NO MSG_YES ;*_Yes MSG_RETRY ;*_Retry MSG_MENU_PROJECT ;Project MSG_MENU_ABOUT ;About... MSG_MENU_ICONIFY ;Iconify MSG_MENU_QUIT ;Quit MSG_MENU_SETTINGS ;Settings MSG_MENU_MUI ;MUI Settings... MSG_MENU_FLAT ;Flat download MSG_MENU_DIRTOOL ;Directory Tool MSG_MENU_OPENBATCHWIN ;Batch Window... MSG_MENU_OPENCONNECT ;Open Connection... MSG_MENU_ACTION ;Action MSG_MENU_DOWNLOAD ;Download by Name MSG_MENU_SENDRAW ;Send Raw Command MSG_MENU_ADTSHOWMOTD ;Show Aminet-MOTD (Message Of The Day) MSG_MENU_SNAPSHOTSITE ;Snapshot current Session MSG_MENU_SAVEPROFILES ;Save Profile List MSG_MENU_IMPORTPROFILES ;Import Profile List MSG_MENU_SAVEBATCH ;Save Batch-Window Contents MSG_MENU_LOADBATCH ;Load & Add Batch-Window Contents ; Application stuff MSG_APP_DESC ;AmFTP FTP Client MSG_APP_GUIDENAME ;AMFTP.guide ; About MSG_ABOUT_TITLE ;AmFTP Copyright Information MSG_ABOUT_BUTTON ;Close this window MSG_ABOUT_LISTTITLE ;\033c\033b\033uAmFTP The AmigaOS FTP Client ; TCP Module / Error Codes MSG_TCP_FAILED ;Unable to open a TCP/IP stack.\nYou must install AmiTCP, AS225r2 or a compatible\n\ ;TCP/IP stack before you can use AmFTP. MSG_ERROR_OPENFILE ;\033bError: Can't open file \"%s\" (%s)! MSG_APP_FAILED ;Internal error:\nFailed to create MUI Application Object\nMUI Error code %ld\n\ ;Please report this bug via email immediately to\nmerlin@sixpack.pfalz.de\n\ ;State your system configuration and, if possible,\nthe circumstances which caused the bug. MSG_WIN_FAILED ;Internal error:\nFailed to create MUI Window Object\nMUI Error code %ld\n\ ;Please report this bug via email immediately to\nmerlin@sixpack.pfalz.de\n\ ;State your system configuration and, if possible,\nthe circumstances which caused the bug. MSG_ERROR_PATTERN ;Error: Cannot parse Viewer-Pattern! Start Preferences and check it. MSG_ERROR_PREFS ;Cannot find AmFTP-Preferences MSG_ERROR_MEMORY ;Can't allocate Memory! MSG_ERROR_SAVEPROFILE ;Can't save profile settings.\nFilename: \"\033b%s\033n\"\nMaybe check your $HOME directory. MSG_ERROR_IMPORTPROFILE ;\033cCan't import profile settings!\n\033bWrong File Format. ; Main Window MSG_MW_DELETE_GADS ;Delete|Cancel MSG_MW_DELETE_BODY ;Do you really want to delete\n\033b%ld\033n selected file(s)? MSG_MW_INVALIDPAT ;The pattern \"%s\" is invalid. MSG_MW_LOCALSHOW ;\033bShowing \"%s\"... MSG_MW_LOCALDEL ;\033bDeleting \"%s\"... MSG_MW_LABEL_LOCAL ;Local: MSG_MW_LABEL_REMOTE ;Remote: MSG_MW_BUT_HELP ;Help MSG_MW_BUT_MKDIR ;MakeDir MSG_MW_BUT_MARK MSG_MW_BUT_UNMARK MSG_MW_BUT_VIEW ;Show MSG_MW_BUT_RENAME ;Rename MSG_MW_BUT_DELETE ;Delete MSG_MW_BUT_SEND ;\033bSend \033I[6:30]\033I[6:30] MSG_MW_BUT_RECEIVE ;\033I[6:31]\033I[6:31]\033b Receive MSG_MW_BUT_REFRESH ;Refresh MSG_MW_BUT_SETUP ;Setup MSG_MW_BUT_CONNECT ;Connect MSG_MW_BUT_CLOSE ;Disconnect MSG_MW_LABEL_MODE ; Transfer mode: MSG_MW_LABEL_MODE_BIN ;Binary MSG_MW_LABEL_MODE_ASCII ;ASCII MSG_MW_TITLE_NOTCONNECTED not connected MSG_MW_TITLE_CONNECTED connected with \"%s\" (%s) MSG_MW_INFO ;%ld files [%ld], %ld dirs [%ld], %ldK [%ldK] MSG_MW_INFOADT ;%ld files [%ld], %ldK [%ldK] MSG_SH_MW_BUT_MKDIR ;Create a new directory MSG_SH_MW_BUT_MARK ;Mark files matching pattern MSG_SH_MW_BUT_UNMARK ;Unmark files matching pattern MSG_SH_MW_BUT_VIEW ;Show currently selected file(s) MSG_SH_MW_BUT_RENAME ;Rename currently selected file(s) MSG_SH_MW_BUT_DELETE ;Delete currently selected file(s) MSG_SH_MW_BUT_SEND ;Send selected files to remote host MSG_SH_MW_BUT_RECEIVE ;Get selected files from remote host MSG_SH_MW_BUT_REFRESH ;Refresh the file list MSG_SH_MW_BUT_CDUP ;Go to the parent of the\ncurrent directory MSG_SH_MW_BUT_CONNECT ;Connect to a FTP server MSG_SH_MW_BUT_CLOSE ;Close current connection MSG_SH_MW_BUT_SETUP ;Show the Setup page MSG_SH_MW_BUT_HELP ;Show the AmFTP.guide online documentation MSG_MW_BUT_README ;Readme MSG_SH_MW_BUT_README ;Shows Readme of selected file(s) MSG_MW_BUT_BATCH ;Batch MSG_SH_MW_BUT_BATCH ;Batch selected file(s)\nfor later complete download MSG_MW_REC_NOMSG ;\033cThere are no \033bnew\033n files available.\nSelect \"Recent 7\" to see all. MSG_MW_REC_TITLE_NAME ;\033uFilename MSG_MW_REC_TITLE_SIZE ;\033uSize MSG_MW_REC_TITLE_DIR ;\033uDirectory MSG_MW_REC_TITLE_DESC ;\033uDescription MSG_MW_BUT_CDUP ;Parent MSG_MW_BUT_FIND ;Find MSG_SH_MW_BUT_FIND ;Search for special ADT entry\nby calling a findsite MSG_MW_BUT_ARCHIE ;Archie MSG_SH_MW_BUT_ARCHIE ;Search for a special file\nby calling a archie searchsite MSG_MW_DOUBLECLICK_ARCHIE ;You are already connected to a ftp-Server.\nClose connection first. ; Requester Strings MSG_CLOSE_CONNECTION ;Do you really want to close connection? MSG_REQUESTER_RESUME ;\033cFile \"%s\" already exists.\nDo you want to resume starting at byte %ld? MSG_RESUME_BT_RESUME ;*R_esume MSG_RESUME_BT_OVERWRITE ;_Overwrite MSG_RESUME_BT_RENAME ;_Rename MSG_RESUME_BT_SKIP ;_Skip ; Profile Window MSG_CW_TITLE ;Server profiles MSG_CW_LABEL_NAME ;Profile Name: MSG_CW_LABEL_HOST ;Host Name: MSG_CW_LABEL_USER ;Login Name: MSG_CW_LABEL_PASSWORD ;Password: MSG_CW_LABEL_ANON ;Anon login: MSG_CW_LABEL_ADT ;ADT Server: MSG_CW_LABEL_FSP ;FSP Server: MSG_CW_BUT_NEW MSG_CW_BUT_COPY ;Copy MSG_CW_BUT_CONNECT ;Connect to FTP Server MSG_CW_BUT_CANCEL ;Back to main page MSG_CW_BUT_DELETE ;Delete MSG_CW_LABEL_RETRIES ;Retries: MSG_CW_LABEL_DIR ;Remote Dir: MSG_CW_LABEL_LDIR ;Local Dir: MSG_CW_LABEL_SAVEDIR ;Save Dir: MSG_CW_LABEL_QUIETLOGIN ;Quiet: MSG_SH_CW_BUT_CONNECT ;Connect to the currently selected\nFTP Server MSG_SH_CW_BUT_CANCEL ;Back to the main page MSG_SH_CW_BUT_NEW ;Create a new profile entry MSG_SH_CW_BUT_COPY ;Copy a profile entry MSG_SH_CW_BUT_DELETE ;Delete currently selected profile entry MSG_SH_CW_LABEL_ANON ;Use anonymous login MSG_SH_CW_LABEL_ADT ;Use ADT Features (Aminet Download Tool) MSG_SH_CW_LABEL_FSP ;Use FSP (File Service Protocol) instead of ftp.\n\ ;(Only activate, if you're sure current server\n\ ;understands this protocol.) MSG_SH_CW_LABEL_SAVEDIR ;Save the current directory when\nleaving the server MSG_SH_CW_LABEL_QUIETLOGIN ;Attempt to force the FTP server to\nnot send informational messages MSG_CW_LABEL_PORT ; Port: MSG_CW_BUT_SORT ;Sort MSG_SH_CW_BUT_SORT ;Sort all profiles alphabetical ; X-Fer Window MSG_XF_FILES_TOGO ;Files to go MSG_XF_TITLE ;Transfer MSG_XF_TITLE_SEND ;Sending file (BINARY) MSG_XF_TITLE_RECEIVE ;Receiving file (BINARY) MSG_XF_TITLE_SEND_ASC ;Sending file (ASCII) MSG_XF_TITLE_RECEIVE_ASC ;Receiving file (ASCII) MSG_XF_BUT_CANCEL ;Abort this file MSG_XF_BUT_CANCEL_ALL ;Abort the whole transfer MSG_XF_LABEL_LOCAL ; Local file name: MSG_XF_LABEL_REMOTE ; Remote file name: MSG_XF_LABEL_SIZE ; Size of the file: MSG_XF_LABEL_SPEED ; Average transfer speed: MSG_XF_LABEL_ELAPSED ; Time elapsed: MSG_XF_LABEL_TOGO ; Expected time: MSG_XF_LABEL_DISKSPACE ; Allocated Diskspace: MSG_XF_LABEL_FILESTOGO ; Total transfered: MSG_XF_DIRLIST ;Directory Listing MSG_XF_LOGREPORT_TIME ;Received %ld bytes in %02ld:%02ld:%02ld,%02ld; MSG_XF_LOGREPORT_BITS ;%ld bit/s MSG_XF_LOGREPORT_BYTES ;%ld byte/s MSG_XF_LOGREPORT_KBYTES ;%ld.%ld kbyte/s ; FTP-info Texts MSG_FTP_RELOAD_CONFIG ;Configuration reloaded... MSG_FTP_STARTING ;Starting with profile \"%s\" MSG_FTP_NOSOCKS ;Unable to create sockets?!? MSG_FTP_LOOKINGUP ;Looking up host \"%s\"... MSG_FTP_LOOKUPERROR ;Unable to lookup \"%s\". Check the spelling of the hostname! MSG_FTP_CONNECTING ;Connecting to \"%s\" (%s)... MSG_FTP_CANTCONNECT ;Unable to connect, error %ld (%s) MSG_FTP_CONNECTIONESTABLISHED ;Connection established, now logging in... MSG_FTP_CLOSING ;Closing connection. MSG_FTP_SEND_CDUP ;\033bSending CDUP command... MSG_FTP_SEND_LS ;\033bRequesting directory listing... MSG_FTP_SEND_CWD ;\033bSending \"CWD %s\"... MSG_FTP_SEND_SHOW ;\033bRetrieving file \"%s\" for display... MSG_FTP_READINGLS ;\033bReading file list... MSG_FTP_ABORT ;\033bSending ABOR command... MSG_FTP_BEGINRETR ;\033bDownloading file \"%s\" as \"%s\" (%ld bytes) MSG_FTP_BEGINSTOR ;\033bUploading file \"%s\" as \"%s\" (%ld bytes) MSG_FTP_SNAPSHOT ;\033bSnapshot current session as \"%s\". ; Rename Window MSG_WIN_RENAME ;AmFTP Rename File MSG_REN_NEW ;\033cEnter new filename for \"%s\": MSG_REN_LOG ;Renaming \"%s\" to \"%s\"... MSG_SH_RW_RENAME_STR ;Enter new filename ; Makedir Window MSG_WIN_MKDIR ;AmFTP Make Directory MSG_MKDIR_NEW ;\033cEnter directory name: MSG_MKDIR_LOG ;Creating directory \"%s\"... MSG_SH_MKW_MAKEDIR_STR ;Enter directory to create ; Open Connection Window MSG_WIN_OPENCONNECT ;AmFTP Open Connection... MSG_OPENCONNECT_HOST ; Host: MSG_OPENCONNECT_BUTTON ;Open Connection MSG_SH_OPENCONNECT ;Make Anonymous ftp-Connection to this host. ; Download Window MSG_WIN_DOWNLOAD ;AmFTP Download MSG_DOWNLOAD_FILE ; Filename: MSG_DOWNLOAD_BUTTON ;Download by Name MSG_SH_DOWNLOAD ;Download this file from current directory ; Sendraw Window MSG_WIN_SENDRAW ;AmFTP Send RAW Command MSG_SENDRAW_CMD ; Command: MSG_SENDRAW_BUTTON ;Send RAW Command MSG_SH_SENDRAW ;Send Command RAW to current ftp-Server ; Cycle Gadgets in ADT Mode MSG_CYC_SORT_SHOW ;\033cShow: MSG_CYC_TIME_NEW MSG_CYC_TIME_ALL ;Recent 7 MSG_CYC_TIME_RECENT14 ;Recent 14 MSG_CYC_ADT_INDEX ;Local MSG_CYC_ADT_FOUND ;Found MSG_CYC_ADT_SELECT ;Selected MSG_CYC_SORT_TEXT ;\033cSort: MSG_CYC_SORT_NAME ;Name MSG_CYC_SORT_DIR ;Directory MSG_CYC_SORT_DATE ;Date ; Batch Window MSG_WIN_BATCH ;AmFTP Batched Files MSG_BW_BUT_DOWN ;Receive all MSG_SH_BW_BUT_DOWN ;Receive all File(s)\nin this window MSG_BW_BUT_DELETE ;Remove MSG_SH_BW_BUT_DELETE ;Remove selected Entry MSG_BW_INFO ;%ld files, %ldK ; Abort Window MSG_AW_TXT_ABORT ;\033cConnecting to \033b%s\033n, Port \033b%s\033n\nPlease wait... MSG_AW_BUT_ABORT ;Abort Connection MSG_AW_TITLE ;AmFTP Connecting... ; ADT-info Texts MSG_ADT_STATUS ;ADT State: MSG_ADT_LOAD_RECENT ;\033bPlease wait, loading recent file... MSG_ADT_LOAD_INDEX ;\033bPlease wait, loading index file... MSG_ADT_LOAD_FIND ;\033bPlease wait, calling findsite... MSG_ADT_LOAD_RECFIND ;\033bReceiving find result... MSG_ADT_SHOW_RECENT_PARSING ;\033cParsing recent list... MSG_ADT_SHOW_RECENT_ERROR ;\033cGot no recent list! MSG_ADT_SHOW_RECENT_NONE ;\033cLoading recent... MSG_ADT_SHOW_RECENT_NEW ;\033cNew files since %s MSG_ADT_SHOW_RECENT_ALL ;\033cAll files of last 7 days MSG_ADT_SHOW_RECENT_INDEX ;\033cAll files on this site MSG_ADT_SHOW_RECENT_FOUND ;\033cFound files MSG_ADT_ASK_LOAD_INDEX ;\033c\033bLoad local index file?\033n\nThis could take a while and\nmay need much memory space. MSG_ADT_SHOW_RECENT_RECENT14 ;\033cAll files of last 14 days ; ADT-Find Window MSG_WIN_ADTFIND ;AmFTP ADT Find MSG_AF_BT_FIND ;Find MSG_AF_LABEL_FIND ;\033rSearch for: MSG_AF_LABEL_HOST ;\033rADT Findsite: MSG_ADT_ENTRYINFO ;%s [%s Bytes, %lu Bytes Readme], Send: %s ; Archie-Window MSG_WIN_ARCHIE ;AmFTP Archie MSG_AW_BT_FIND ;Search MSG_AW_LABEL_FIND ;\033rSearch for: MSG_AW_LABEL_HOST ;\033rArchie Searchsite: MSG_AW_REC_TITLE_HOST ;\033uHost MSG_AW_REC_TITLE_DIR ;\033uDirectory/File MSG_ARCHIE_CONNECT ;\033bPlease wait, calling Archie Searchsite... MSG_ARCHIE_GETTING ;\033bPlease wait, getting search Result... MSG_AW_TXT_GETTING ;\033cConnection established.\n\033bPlease wait, getting data... MSG_AW_INFO ;%ld Entries found MSG_AW_BUT_PROFILE ;Add as Profile MSG_SH_AW_BUT_PROFILE ;Add selected entries\nin profile list MSG_AW_BUT_SAVELIST ;Save Archie Result MSG_SH_AW_BUT_SAVELIST ;Save Archie Search Result to local Disk MSG_ARCHIE_ENTRYINFO ;%s [%s Bytes], Send: %s ; Login Window MSG_WIN_LOGIN ;AmFTP Login ; Compress Window MSG_UC_TITLE ;AmFTP Uncompress MSG_UC_TEXT ;\033c\033bUncompressing.\033n\nFilename: \"%s\"\nPlease wait... ; Select ADTDir Window MSG_WIN_ADTDIR ;AmFTP Select ADT Directories MSG_AD_BUT_ACTUAL ;Update ADT List MSG_SH_AD_BUT_ACTUAL ;Removes unselected entries\nfrom ADT list MSG_AD_BUT_ALL MSG_AD_BUT_NONE ;None ; Prefs-Program MSG_WIN_PREFS ;AmFTP Preferences MSG_PW_BUT_SAVE ;Save MSG_SH_PW_BUT_SAVE ;Save current settings as default. MSG_PW_BUT_USE MSG_SH_PW_BUT_USE ;Use settings for current session. MSG_PW_BUT_CANCEL ;Cancel MSG_SH_PW_BUT_CANCEL ;Forget current changes in settings. MSG_PW_CYC_SETTINGS ;Settings MSG_PW_CYC_FLAGS ;Flags MSG_PW_CYC_SOUND ;Sound MSG_PW_CYC_VIEWER ;Viewer MSG_PW_CYC_CACHE ;Cache MSG_PW_CYC_SPECIAL ;Special MSG_PW_VIEWER_VIEWER ;Viewer: MSG_SH_PW_VIEWER_VIEWER ;Call this expression as viewer call,\n\ ;when Viewer Pattern matches.\n\ ;(e.g. "SYS:Utilities/MultiView %f PUBSCREEN %p") MSG_PW_VIEWER_PAT ;Viewer Pattern: MSG_SH_PW_VIEWER_PAT ;Use first viewer, when this pattern matches,\n\ ;otherwise the alternate viewer. MSG_PW_VIEWER_ALTVIEWER ;Alternate Viewer: MSG_SH_PW_VIEWER_ALTVIEWER ;Call this expression as viewer call,\n\ ;when Viewer Pattern fails.\n\ ;(e.g. "SYS:Utilities/MultiView %f PUBSCREEN %p") MSG_PW_VIEWER_INFO ;%f - "Path/Filename", %p - Public-Screen Name MSG_PW_LOCALDIR ;Local Directory: MSG_SH_PW_LOCALDIR ;AmFTP uses this directory as startup directory,\n\ ;and as default directory when no other is set\n\ ;in profiles. MSG_PW_ARCHIE ;Archie Searchsite: MSG_SH_PW_ARCHIE ;AmFTP uses this site as default Archie Searchsite. MSG_PW_ADT ;ADT Findsite: MSG_SH_PW_ADT ;AmFTP uses this site as default ADT Findsite. MSG_PW_ADT_MAXSEARCH ;Maximum Search Results: MSG_SH_PW_ADT_MAXSEARCH ;Maximum number of results transfered with ADTFind. MSG_PW_LOGNAME ; Logfile: MSG_SH_PW_LOGNAME ;Name of the AmFTP-Logfile. MSG_PW_CREATE_LOG ;Create Logfile: MSG_SH_PW_CREATE_LOG ;If selected, a Logfile will be created and\n\ ;written. All Log-Window contents will be stored here. MSG_PW_DISPLAY_LOG ;Display Log-Window: MSG_SH_PW_DISPLAY_LOG ;If selected, AmFTP displays Log-Window\n\ ;at the bottom of the AmFTP Main Window. MSG_PW_DISPLAY_MOTD ;Show Aminet-MOTD: MSG_SH_PW_DISPLAY_MOTD ;If selected a new Aminet MOTD\n(Message Of The Day)\nwill be displayed. MSG_PW_ASK_LOCAL_DEL ;Confirm local delete: MSG_SH_PW_ASK_LOCAL_DEL ;If selected local delete must be confirmed. MSG_PW_ASK_REMOTE_DEL ;Confirm remote delete: MSG_SH_PW_ASK_REMOTE_DEL ;If selected remote delete must be confirmed. MSG_PW_SEND_NOOP ;Send NOOP to avoid timeout: MSG_SH_PW_SEND_NOOP ;If selected AmFTP tries to avoid Server Timeout,\n\ ;and sends a NOOP Command in regular intervals. MSG_PW_RECEIVE_READMES ;Automatically receive *.readme files in ADT MSG_SH_PW_RECEIVE_READMES ;If selected, AmFTP automatically receives Readme's\n\ ;of current ADT download. MSG_PW_CONFIRM_CLOSE ;Confirm Close-Connection: MSG_SH_PW_CONFIRM_CLOSE ;If selected AmFTP pops up a request when user wants\n\ ;to close connection. MSG_PW_CONNECT_WINDOW ;Pop up Connect-Window: MSG_SH_PW_CONNECT_WINDOW ;If selected AmFTP pop ups a connect window, during\n\ ;connection to a server. It also allows you to abort\n\ ;connection. MSG_PW_DLMODE_NORMAL ;Start ftp in Download-Mode: MSG_SH_PW_DLMODE_NORMAL ;If selected AmFTP starts normal ftp-Mode not\n\ ;in Dirtool mode, but in Download mode. MSG_PW_DIRTOOLMODE_ADT ;Start ADT in Dirtool-Mode: MSG_SH_PW_DIRTOOLMODE_ADT ;If selected AmFTP starts ADT-Mode not\n\ ;in Download mode, but in Dirtool mode. MSG_PW_EVENT ;\033c\033uEvent: MSG_PW_SOUND ;\033c\033uReact: MSG_PW_SOUNDFILE ;\033c\033uSound (iff/8svx): MSG_PW_VOLUME ;\033c\033uVol.: MSG_PW_EVENT_START ; Start AmFTP: MSG_PW_EVENT_END ; End AmFTP: MSG_PW_EVENT_DL_BEGIN ; Start Download: MSG_PW_EVENT_DL_END ; End Download: MSG_PW_EVENT_VIEW ; Call Viewer: MSG_PW_EVENT_ABORT ; Abort Connection: MSG_PW_NUMCACHE ;Number of Directory-Caches: MSG_SH_PW_NUMCACHE ;This is the number of hold directory-entries\n\ ;in directory cache. MSG_PW_ASYNCBUF ;AsyncIO Buffersize: MSG_SH_PW_ASYNCBUF ;Set Size of AsyncIO Buffer.\n\ ;Be careful with that Size. MSG_PW_RECVBUF ;ftp-Receive Buffersize: MSG_SH_PW_RECVBUF ;Set Size of ftp-Transfer Receive Buffer. MSG_PW_SENDBUF ;ftp-Send Buffersize: MSG_SH_PW_SENDBUF ;Set Size of ftp-Transfer Send Buffer. MSG_PW_BEGINPORT ;XFer Ports: MSG_SH_PW_BEGINPORT ;Start Ports for Data- & Transfer Connection.\n\ ;Default: 1024 (don't change, if there is no need to do!) MSG_PW_USEASYNCIO ;Use AsyncIO: MSG_SH_PW_USEASYNCIO ;Activate this for AsyncIO Transfer.\n\ ;AsyncIO is faster transfer, but takes lot of\n\ ;CPU-time. If you're Computer breaks down during\n\ ;transfer, 1st reduce AsyncIO Buffersize, and 2nd\n\ ;- if it breaks down anyway - deactivate AsyncIO. MSG_PW_ANON ; e-Mail for Anonymous Login: MSG_SH_PW_ANON ;Give e-Mail for password on anonymous login,\n\ ;or leave empty. MSG_PW_COL_FILES ; Colour Files: MSG_PW_COL_DIRS ; Directories: MSG_PW_COL_LINKS ; Links: MSG_SH_PW_COL_FILES ;Colour of files in directory list. MSG_SH_PW_COL_DIRS ;Colour of directories in directory list. MSG_SH_PW_COL_LINKS ;Colour of links in directory list.